Hi, Gerald. You're an octopus, not a squid, right?
Gerald: Excuse me, do I look like a squid? No, I'm an octopus
and proud of it!
Sorry about that. How have you found travelling with those three kids?
Gerald: They're really nice! Celeste is probably the nicest.
Derrick is quiet, but that's probably because he's listening to things. He does that a lot
recently. Jill is sort of our leader, but that might just be because she's the oldest. And
tallest. You kinda always trust tall people.
What about the agents? They're pretty tall.
Gerald: Oh, you mean like Agent Rex? They're pretty cool when
they're far away or on TV, but it's a bit scary when they're right there in front of you. I like
Jill more. She seems less likely to squish me.
Where are you heading next?
Gerald: I'm not really sure! The human kids said they need to
get home, because it's been almost a whole day since they left and their parents might start to
notice them.
Peater and Clair are going to miss school if they don't get back as well.
Trevor and I too, but we're less concerned about that. We have a test tomorrow and I haven't
even started to study for it.
How did you meet your dragon friend, Nip?
Gerald: We've been friends for as long as I can remember. Trevor
introduced us, actually. He was really interested in the dragons and was always giving them
candy, because that's what they're all about. Nip was the first dragon to actually talk to us,
rather than just grab the candy and run.
You've got quite a varied group of friends!
Gerald: Ha ha! Yeah. They're pretty great. Nip doesn't let me
ride him though. That's a bummer. Trevor does, but that's not as fun.
Where do you see yourself in the next five hours?
Gerald: Well, we just "borrowed" a spaceship, so I guess maybe
five or ten minutes here, then we'll go to Celeste's house and see what's going on there. Jill's
flying the ship, so I'm not worried.
How does a young girl know how to fly a spaceship?
Gerald: Not sure actually. She can read and understand literally
any language. All the kids have some kind of power. Derrick can hear all the gossip. Celeste can
balance on one foot. It's really impressive. I've got eight feet and can't balance on even five
without falling into a lamp.
Well, thank you for your time, Gerald. I'll let you get back to your
adventure, and I do hope you do well on that test tomorrow.
Gerald: Thanks! And that's assuming I get to school in time for
it. One never knows! I'm feeling a bit of a cough starting.
Don't let me keep you then. Safe travels!
Jill: Who are you talking to, Gerald? What's that? Are you
pushing random buttons again?
Gerald: Uh, it's nobody! <click>
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